Advance Call

Whistleblowing Management Handbook

Liezl Groenewald, Senior Manager of Organizational Ethics Development at The Ethics Institute, has recently written a Whistleblowing Management Handbook, published by The Ethics Institute.

The purpose of this handbook is to provide practical guidance to persons in ethics, governance and management positions who have some form of responsibility for implementing whistleblowing programmes, whistleblowing management systems, and investigating whistleblowing reports.

In the Whistleblowing Management Handbook, the factors that have a bearing on the success or failure of whistleblowing programmes and whistleblowing management systems, are explored.

Liezl concludes section five with the ten most important steps organisations should take to create a safe reporting culture (see below).  These steps have been derived from emerging global best practice and practical experience.

The 10 most important steps organisations should take to create a safe reporting culture

  1. Gain board and top-level commitment to the safe-reporting programme
  2. Regularly review whistleblowing training and awareness activities
  3. Track reports from a range of whistleblowing channels
  4. Focus on decreasing case closure times
  5. Remind employees about their duty to report misconduct
  6. Create trust about the protection of identity
  7. Commit to acting on reports
  8. Promote an open-door policy among management
  9. Commit to protecting whistleblowers from retaliation
  10. Reward ethical heroes.

Click here to read more about the Whistleblowing Management Handbook, or to download your free copy.

To assist organisations in combating fraud and corruption, Advance Call has established the Ethics & Fraud Hotline.  The Advance Call Ethics & Fraud Hotline is certified by The Ethics Institute as a Safeline-Ex service provider and as part of the service, clients are provided with awareness material and training.

By implementing the Advance Call Ethics & Fraud Hotline in your organization, you will also be able to track reports from a range of whistleblowing channels.

Contact Advance Call for a quote today:

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